Protect Yourself with Environmental Due Diligence

Are you considering buying or selling a commercial or industrial property? Maybe you are contemplating lending financial assistance for a proposed real estate transaction. In these cases, it is important to assess your environmental due diligence to protect yourself by knowing what your risks, liabilities, and due care issues are for a variety of reasons. 

Typically, the due diligence process begins by having a Phase I ESA conducted, which is a historical research of the subject site and nearby properties. If environmental concerns are identified, further investigation (Phase II ESA) may be performed by collecting soil and groundwater samples to determine if the site has been chemically impacted.   

In 1980 Congress enacted the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), commonly known as Superfund. The law created a tax on the chemical and petroleum industries, the monies from which were put into a trust fund for cleaning up abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Many of our clients have a Phase I/II ESA completed to obtain protections under CERCLA, such as the “innocent land owner defense”, “contiguous property owner”, and “bon-a-fide prospective purchaser”.

At MTC, we have made it our mission to provide our clients with clear and concise recommendations for making cost-effective, environmentally sound decisions to manage the business environmental risk so that risks and liabilities can either be avoided or properly managed. We are experienced in complex site assessments and stay current with the complicated and ever-changing regulatory climate to ensure that you are environmentally compliant.    

Our knowledgeable staff of engineers, geologists and other scientists provide broad-based environmental services throughout Michigan. We specialize in many environmental disciplines such as environmental due diligence in support of real estate transfer, Brownfield Site Assessments, and various site closure activities.

Our Services

  • Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessments 
  • Brownfield Redevelopment 
  • Baseline Environmental Assessment 
  • Due Care and Continuing Obligations 
  • Soil, Groundwater, and Surface Water Evaluations 
  • Underground Storage Tank Management 
  • Geophysical Surveys 
  • Environmental Permitting 
  • Remedial Investigations 
  • Feasibility Studies 
  • Risk Assessments and Corrective Action Plans 


Let us help you with a proactive approach to environmental due diligence. We can help you determine whether the environmental risks are acceptable and develop a strategy to manage them. 

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Valorous Support